Hey Twl...that's true and I'm sure it will happen eventually (unless Sony and others decide that they can help control digital piracy by eliminating the output). Most modern home theater receivers or processors have internal DACs and many are made by the same companies that created SACD and DVD-A. I heard that Sony is charging a fortune for the SACD licensing and most independent hi-fi companies can't afford to pay what they're asking at this time (I think Kevin from Muse posted something about that last year). Those companies will probably jump on the format when it's more affordable, and that should help to promote the popularity of hi-res digital.
New Digital Format Copy Protection on Digital Out.
What do you think the outcome of this "no digital out signal for new hi-res formats" will be? Will the big companies relent, and give us the digital outs? Or will they stick to their guns? If they keep the digital out closed, how will this affect the other digital companies that make DACs and other outboard gear? Will they go under? Will a mod company figure out how to circumvent the protection circuit and make mods available? Will they get sued if they do? Give us your opinions on this issue.
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