New FARAD Level 2 Silver Mod for Chord DAVE!

Epic new upgrade for the Chord DAVE junkies! Funnest HiFi project of my life. FARAD technicians talk with you through the whole build and shipping process, highly recommend FARAD. The sound is immediately more detailed and transparent. I won't embellish or exaggerate that it was a revelation, but initially I'd say a 15% improvement. We'll let it burn in a few weeks. Hooked the 3 power supplies to 3 Audiowise RF-STOPS. All 3 FARAD have the furutech and SR purple fuse upgrades. I chose the FARAD silver level 2 upgrade over the Sean Jacobs DC4 Arc 6 because it's 6k cheaper and 2 months quicker in shipping to you. Very happy. Happy HiFi Holidays to you all!


I installed mine 6 weeks ago. I am embarassed to say that I overlooked the M scaler and it is still on a switching power supply. the Farad for it is in transit.

Installed in 20 minutes. Very easy. I bought nice 12 awg power cords and am very happy with the improvements.

Farads are in the bottom left corner. 



awesome! Yea awesome upgrade. I have my mscaler on lifepo4 batteries with Audiowise OPTO-DX which I believe is the biggest upgrade possible for our DAVE Mscaler setup.




"I chose the FARAD silver level 2 upgrade over the Sean Jacobs DC4 Arc 6 because it’s 6k cheaper." This hobby is so funny. Sean Jacobs makes two power supplies for the Dave, one at $7K and the other is $10K. Depending on the power cord the end-user has, the cost differential isn’t $3K or $6k, because the Sean Jacobs doesn’t require three power cords. You are correct, if the end-user doesn’t use upgraded power cords.