New Forum Format Sucks

The new forum format sucks. The old one was perfectly fine.
I would start with a sort feature allowing viewer to toggle between FIFO, First In First Out, as it is now,  to let the screen build starting with the most recent.
The idea is whether to sort by most recent posts or more recent  threads. This was actually discussed during the early  beta and was on the list of things to do for the developers. They implemented a similar concept for the Popular Discussions - Popular All TIme or Popular Recently.  They may well come back and add that option for the main threads. If they do, I would like to see it done like Popular Discussions - as an option at the top of the column rather than in the profile. That lets you toggle back and force as desired.
Sorry Audiogon... But this gray and white tiger stripping has got to be the worst.  I see zero value in this particular color scheme. I would suggest to pick one color,or the other.

Better yet, go back to the original format...

Please fix.
The previews of posts on the pages listing the threads is very annoying. You should be able to scroll thru thread titles without having previews of posts. The need view takes far more time to scroll and makes it harder to see all the threads. People will tire and leave the site and miss threads that are potentially of interest.
Should be easy to make an option to toggle between "view thread titles only" vs. "view preview of posts below thread titles". Cheers,
Post removed 
After a few days, my gripes are;
The color scheme is hard to read & way too bright.
Once you look at the forums page  I see no way to go back to the std Audiogon website. 

Did I mention the color scheme sucks...