New Herron VTPH 2A versus used Audio Research Reference 2 Phono

Have been thinking of upgrading my phono stage from my Audio Research PH3 SE.  Looking for easier cartridge loading flexibility, as well as possible upgrade in sound.  Honestly, I've been mostly happy with the current unit but feel it limits me with low output moving coils, many of which work better loaded down a little.

My current front end is a SOTA STAR III/SME V/Benz RUBY Z low output - all running into the phono stage unloaded at 47K.  Line stage is an Audio Research Reference 2 Mk II.  The rest of the system includes a Krell KSA 250 amplifier driving new Magico A5's.

A friend of mine is thinking of upgrading and thus I may have an opportunity to obtain his Audio Research Reference 2 phono (not sure if it is an SE version).  Alternatively, I've been thinking of trying a new Herron VTPH 2A.  I have NOT heard either in my system, only the former in his system.  No local dealers for the Herron, so I'd be taking a chance on it without prior audition.

The used ARC might cost a little more than a new Herron ($3650) but overall the cost difference is not much.

Anyone with experience with both?  Thoughts on which might work best for my system?  Or is there something else available at less than say $6K I should consider instead?

Thanks in advance.
But wasn’t the ARC reference 2 phono several cuts above the PH3SE? So is it not possible that the reference 2 might outperform the Herron ? I come from a position of not having heard either.
While I certainly have read many positive reports on the Herron phono, I have not heard one yet.  I have been using an ARC Ref 2SE for three years now, and it has none of the negatives that Millercarbon reports for the older PH3SE.  Sounds to me like it could be a horse race between the two options!  It likely just depends upon which "course" you are running for which "horse" you might prefer, so I'm just saying don't rule out the ARC.  It would be nice if you could find a way to compare them, but it sounds difficult with the Herron.
Is it possible for your friend to loan you his Reference 2 to try out in your system? If you can give it a listen that might make your mind up for you.
Spend a little bit more and get the SE - its significantly better than the 2.  Here's a review -

Exclusive First Review: Audio Research's NEW Reference Phono 2SE Phonostage Preamp - The Absolute Sound

I have the 2SE and it'll stay with me for a long time. Good luck.

Sure, Lyra Delos , Triplaner, Brinkmann Bardo, into both a REF2 SE phono and currently a Herron 2a, in my system, to my ears, no contest ARC is flat out better definition, air image, weight, tonality. The Herron maybe plays a bit better below 80 ish, and is a hair quieter, and generally does not reward tube rolling . So why didn’t I buy the ARC ? doesn’t really fit in my rack. I supplied a custom faceplate to Keith and we made the 2a work. Keith is a gem, builds great sounding very well engineered gear, super nice guy.

I don’t blather on about gear I have not heard.