New level of ridiculousness

$8,995 for a power strip???
Stick 8 off the shelf receptacles in a marble??? box, and there it is.
It is getting more and more ridiculous. As if manufacturers are now driven by a desire to extract as much $$$ from aaudiophiles with sufficient income, and not by a desire to advance the quality of their products.
I wonder...
"There is nothing wrong with improvement thru placebo effect as long as one can afford it. "

A significant portion of what we hear and how we respond is determined by the final component in the signal chain, our own mind and bodies, so I would tend to agree.
There are all sorts of overpriced thing out there that don't give much or anything back in return. Just make sure you have deep pockets...and short fingers.
I think it's the mainstream belief that power conditioners don't make a difference that makes it a very niche product and why it continues to be so expensive.

The Sound Application devices are hand built and outside of recording studios, no one really knows about it. I only came to know about it through a friend, and I went in to listen to his system quite skeptical but his system sounded good. At first I assumed it was his gear. They were CJ GAT/ART with ASI Diamond Tango speakers with a 2 box EMM Labs as source. But removing just one of the conditioners changed the soundstage completely, it was startling. If bias is going to affect your judgement, I should not have heard any differences.

I can see why studios continue to invest in these conditioners.
That really puts things in perspective, esp. when I thought spending 3K on my "conditioner" was overboard.