New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones)

Here is some info on the new MOFI/Jones speaker:



Here's the latest review from High Fidelity of the Sourcepoint 10 by Wojciech Pacula (who is a recording engineer as well as a reviewer). They gave it a Red Fingerprint Award.

All the best,


I had my Sourcepoint 10's for 4 months now. They are game changers in high end audio. I received my Mofi stands. I cannot imagine better sound anywhere. 

woj pacula is an excellent reviewer... one of the best out there

i recall a little while back his review of the spendor classic 100 and comparing it to the harbeth mon 40... wonderful review, so insightful and complete, and absolutely spot on in his sonic observations imo

man, great deal indeed, as they cover return shipping too in event of return...

that is some seriously aggressive retailing... (and vast confidence in the product..or something else not as complimentary ... 😂).