New Rega P10 setup

So, I have been running a Linn LP 12 for a few years, I have upgraded with Mober remote power supply, new springs, Cirkus, Jelco 750 Arm. I have it mounted on a wall rack above my stereo rack. Because I do not have a means for someone to come in and properly set up the Linn so it runs "perfect", I have always thought I could be doing better, sound wise. Carts have been, Zu Audio DL-103 mkii, Soundsmith MIMC Star and Clearaudio Concept MC.

I pulled the trigger on a open box Rega P10 that arrives today. A total 180 from the LP 12. I'd appreciate your thoughts on a few things. Being that the Rega P10 is expensive and fragile, am I taking a chance purchasing an "open box" but saving $1,300.00 ?

Will the P10 require the wall mount to avoid the "foot fall" issue I had with the LP12? or could I place it onto of my stereo rack?

Do you think the Soundsmith MI MC Star would be a decent fit for the Rega RB3000 arm ? The Soundsmith site shows the MIMC Star working with arms 7 - 29 grams, but a compliance of 10.

At some point, I would like to purchase a high end cart, ie Benz Micro Ruby, ZYX or Soundsmith.

Current Set up

Pass Labs XP 15 phono,

PS Audio BHK Preamp with tube front end,

Pass Labs X260.8 mono blocks 

Klipsch Forte IVs

(Sonus Faber Electa Amator IIIs in rotation)


I appreciate your thoughts




As far as I'm aware all turntables benefit from having the best support possible.

You might be able to put it on your stereo rack without issues, especially if your floor is solid.

As far as a wall shelf goes, a lot will depend upon the type of wall structure and the proximity to passing traffic ect.

There's some information here on the Steve Hoffman forums regarding the proprietary 3 point rack that Rega themselves sell for the Planar 8/10.



 "I purchased an open box, no cart for $2,500.00 less because that's what I can afford right now"

10-4. Didn't interpret your OP clearly. I'd simply try all your existing carts and see what sounds the "best" to your ears. Looks like you got it for a decent markdown.

I wouldn't bother with any other carts, IF I were using Rega. Goes against the principle of using Rega-Good table/easy cart install/no fuss setup=play records.

Use Rega to escape audio insanity-not that there's anything wrong with it.

I guess I wont be setting up a Rega P10 this weekend, they sent me a Planar 3 by mistake. Oh well. 🙄


Few turntables isolate themselves from footfalls on a hung floor. That is what wall mounts are for.

How old is the Linn? If it was set up correctly originally there should be no changes required. My dealer does setups. He observes “not setup correctly” is frequently washers upside down or in the wrong place. Really dumb stuff.

I look forward to hearing your impressions when you get your new table.

I have an upgraded 25 year anniversary Linn LP12 (I'm the original owner) with Radikal power supply, KEEL subchassis, Ekos SE arm and Akiva MC cartridge.  I also have a Rega P10 with Apheta 3 cartridge.  The turntables are in different systems and I've not tried comparing them in the same system.  I love both of them.

The LP12 is on the main floor (suspended above my basement) on my audio rack.  I can make the LP12 skip if I jump near the turntable but if I walk by it, no issues.  The P10 is in the basement (carpeted with padding) on my audio rack sitting on top of a Butcher Block Acoustics maple platform.  No issues at all with my P10 skipping.  I could jump rope in front of it without it skipping.

Like many above, I highly recommend the Apheta 3 MC cartridge.  The sound quality is fantastic and there's no fussing with it.

The P10 is in a system with Cornwall IVs and a Luxman EQ-500 phono stage, and a Enleum 23R amp.  I love the sound of this system.  I also swap in my other speakers, Sterling Broadcast LS3/6, from time to time and when I do I switch to my Audio By Van Alstine 600R hybrid amp.