New Rega Planar 3 MM Cart recommendations

I recently purchased a new set up - Rega Brio amp, Rega Apollo CD and Triton 1’s (started with the the T7’s but quickly upgraded) I have an extensive CD selection but some of the things I want now are only available on Vinyl so I’m planning on getting the Planar 3. I’ve spent the past weekend reading about carts and I really want to go with a MM because the amp already has a phono channel for MM. It seems the reviews on the stock cart aren't that great so what are you suggestions for a MM around the same price as the Elys please (c.$300)


Nagaoka 150 is a bit less, an outstanding ,well made MM that sounds fine on any kind of music . Nagaoka 110 is almost as good for about 150 $ .
I have an Audio Technica AT150MLX, (current model is the AT150Sa) on my Planar 25 that sounds wonderful.  This table has had many carts and this is one of the best.