New Rega Planar 3 MM Cart recommendations

I recently purchased a new set up - Rega Brio amp, Rega Apollo CD and Triton 1’s (started with the the T7’s but quickly upgraded) I have an extensive CD selection but some of the things I want now are only available on Vinyl so I’m planning on getting the Planar 3. I’ve spent the past weekend reading about carts and I really want to go with a MM because the amp already has a phono channel for MM. It seems the reviews on the stock cart aren't that great so what are you suggestions for a MM around the same price as the Elys please (c.$300)


Nagaoka 150 is a bit less, an outstanding ,well made MM that sounds fine on any kind of music . Nagaoka 110 is almost as good for about 150 $ .
I have an Audio Technica AT150MLX, (current model is the AT150Sa) on my Planar 25 that sounds wonderful.  This table has had many carts and this is one of the best.

If you’re a novice to vinyl, I would go with the Rega cartridge. Here’s why - you don’t have to worry about arm height or cartridge alignment, assuming you go with the Rega 3-point mount. The Rega cartridge will sound just fine and you can concentrate on enjoying your new system, rather than thinking: Do I need spacers under the arm? Is my alignment absolutely perfect? Which alignment curve do I use? IMO, just set and forget for now. I see people so consumed by this crap that they can't enjoy their systems.  You have plenty of time to obsess about this crap in the future. My 2 cents.
Thanks Chayro....that's what I'll probably do and at this time I only own two vinyls so it's going to take me a while to build up a collection.

I'm getting it tomorrow so I'll let you know how it sounds.