New Rega Planer 8 (P8) Turntable - Apheta 2 Cartridge Combo - Thoughts

Any Thought's on the "New" Rega Planer 8 (P8) Turntable - Apheta 2 Cartridge Combo

Any Rega owners / dealers / folks familiar with the table and/or brand have any thoughts / advise about this table / brand / combo? 

I am trying vinyl again... Tried it before without much luck. Table / cart / phono set up was too finicky for me and I wasn't able to get decent sound. I sold it all and am now giving it another try.

I also chose a Sutherland Duo phonostage to match with it.

Would love thoughts, advise, ideas or feedback. I have never owned a Rega product before. Going to set it up tonight but still waiting for my phonostage to be mailed to me. Would love some feedback. 


System info

Rega P8 Turntable / Apheta 2 Cart
Sutherland Duo Phonostage
Simaudio Moon Evolution P-8 Linestage
Pass Labs X250.8 Amp
Magico S5 Speakers (MK II's on order)

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack

Your choice for another go around is a serious piece. Along with the Chinook, If it doesn't grab you, maybe your ears simply prefer  digital perfection?

If I were  getting a top notch table like that, I would up the cart budget if possible. Nice choices at the 1K price point.

'I wish I could have you hear my digital so I could get an honest, objective 3rd party opinion. My digital just vaporized the Rega."

All that matters is what you like. It's all subjective at this level. 

Well your situation certainly is interesting. I'm surprised the Rega didn't do better; you must (as you say) have one hell of a digital rig! I'm on the very opposite side of the spectrum - HUGE investment in 2 turntable rig(s), with almost nothing by comparison into digital. The most I stretched there was a Schiit Yggdrasil DAC (2.3K), Audiophilleo 2 w/ PP USB converter ($1K), and decent Audioquest USB cable ($500), driven from various audiophile players (Amarra, Audirvana) on my iMac. Good quality FLAC files, some high-res. And I had a similar end result here, but flipped: vinyl sounds as if it's from another world than digital.

As for your new proposal, I think the move to a tube phono stage is a great idea. Note the Chinook is technically a hybrid (FET stage for MC), and may or may not be enough performance to satisfy your very, very high requirements. Also my experience with hybrid stages like that (gain around say 64dB) is that they do best with cartridges around 0.5mV or higher output, and not so much the super low output MCs less than 0.3mV. I have a Herron VTPH-2A (hybrid) and it is absolutely fantastic with both Ortofon Cadenza Bronze (0.45mV) and Shelter Accord (0.5mV). I'd recommend a look at that stage too; it's wonderful and might just make your cut.

I'm much more skeptical that the Hana, while well reviewed, would meet your high standards. The carts I've heard or owned between 1K and low-2Ks can be extremely nice listens, but all were quite notably flawed compared to the higher tier of carts. At your level, this will matter.

No ideas on the table, but that one looks nice!
Frank, @mulveling makes many good points. I would agree that the Verdier is a solid table, the Herron would beat the Chinook and that the Hana might not be all that.
Somebody just listed a Sota Cosmos IV for $4k, that is a fine option. I would have it shipped straight to Sota for repair/upgrade eval for $100 and go from there. Plenty of tonearm options based on your preferences and budget. 
Cartridge / tonearm matching will be important to get correct resonance freq. I would rather see you get a Dynavector, Ortofon or Lyra to go with a table of the quality discussed. Cheers,

Post removed 

I'd like to try to help, especially since you have named a turntable that I use as a nominee. One I consider an end of the road turntable.

Couple questions

Does your music room sit on suspended wood beams?

Who was responsible for your turntable setup from where - the stand points touch the floor, through to setting up the turntable, toonearm, cartridge, wiring and loading into the phonostage ?

How many hands in the pot ?