Good to meeet you, thank you for serving our country, and wow, it must be a letdown to drive a wheeled vehicle after driving a supercarrier!
You seem like an ardent fan of both the gear and the experience; I strongly suggest you attend a regional audio show before you blow the entire sum on a replacement rig. You are in a rare position that most audiophiles are afraid of, that of being able to start from scratch.
Frankly, selling off the entire rig - I have done so a few times - allowed me to take major steps in sound quality and enjoyment which would have taken a lot longer to achieve piecemeal. So, congratulations on not being afraid to "jump ship" so to speak and climb aboard another vessel! Some people get so emotionally attached to their system that it prevents them from having a far richer experience. You are wise not to let nostalgia block future enjoyment.
Attending a show is a mind expanding experience, and could have you alter your choices. I'm not trying to take away from your friend and dealer, but aside from the friendships made at shows one hears a tremendous amount of variety, and sometimes that opens a new door to ownership of an unanticipated component/rig which ultimately satisfies.
One of my audio friends went to his first show about a year ago; at that show we heard the Volti Audio Alura speakers and that was it. He had a fair bit of anxiety over a radical remake of the system but ended up switching out his entire system over that year and now has a dream system he can't get enough of. In fact, he bought the Border Patrol amplification and Snake River Audio cabling as well, nearly replicating the exact show system he liked so well -and it sounds extravagant; as would be expected it is better sounding in his home than it was in the show's hotel room. No matter the price, the show experience is your best way to "shop" the world for a rig.
Re: Audioquest DBS - years ago I spent a fair bit of time comparing that technology to straight wire and found that DBS beat some but not others. Now I do not consider it to be inherently superior to straight wire. My experience is that a variable such as total gauge of the conductor is more critical than DBS. Others may vigorously disagree, but I am not interested in arguing my findings. :)