New to Audiogon. selling my whole system

EVERYTHING. I've never done this before. It's time to start fresh. I'll soon be posting everything as I learn to use this site. I have everything from Proac Supertowers to studio 100's to studio 1 mk2 to Quick silver monos and full function pre with all MIT wire to Stax Lamda's to two Onyx integrateds etc...

Not sure how much I'll fetch for everything, but I've been listening to everything from 15k speakers to the newest integrateds. I have found a few dealers who have been ultra helpful and very nice. Many years ago I met Richard Vandersteen at Stereo Unlimited in SD and fell in love with the 'new' 2's. After a 4 year stint driving the USS Kitty Hawk, I moved back to CT and set out to finally get my new system. I sold off my moscode amp, CJ pre and Polk 10's (Sandy Gross' design) and found a Vandy dealer in RI> I became close friends with the owner and we are still in touch even though he's been closed for years. I walked in with my wife prepared to walk out with Vandy's and a new amp. Instead I walked out with the Supertowers, Quick mono's and his personal pre amp.

I have loved this system for many years and have had new drivers put in and it sounded even better. Problem is, my new wife needs a remote so I had to buy an NAD integrated. I still love the speakers, but I was told to check out the new D series of Proacs. I was led to Audio Connection and John (he posts here). I went in to audition the Pro Ac's and they were nice, but I wasn't blown away as what I have is still pretty darn good. Then John told me to listen to the Vandy's along with the Ayer 7x integrated and a cheap Music Hall DAC.

Keep in mind, I had recently heard the Focal BE line, Paradigm Signatures, B&W (never have liked them), Dynaudio, PSB T I think it was, Wilson, Dali and the list goes on. Nearly all the contenders (I"ve left some out). I have head the NAD Master series and the new NAD 390 digital. I heard the Krell, etc....

I never expected to have one system blow me away, but it did. I was in SHOCK and still am as it's the reverse of the last time. I really wanted to hear the Hegel integrateds as they have a nice DAC built in, but they aren't out yet. That said, the Ayre would be hard to beat. I like John's approach in that he puts systems together and we have similar ears. He carries the lines I have and have had other than the MIT I have been using (770 MH CVT and shotgun etc..) I also didn't think the Audioquest would impress me, but again, I was dead wrong.

I read reviews, but nothing beats listening. NOTHING. I think the Vandy Treo's , ayre 7x integrated, Music Hall DAC and Audioquest with those DBS deals are the way I'm going to go as soon as I'm able to share some great stuff with folks.

I look forward to reading more threads in the forum as it seems like a nice community.

I wonder how many have been in my boat (starting fresh for the first time after all these years)? Any stories to share?
Yes, Bruce Kutin from Ocean State Audio. He's still a friend of mine. Great guy and honest. I just got the Ayre 7xe from a friend. I will be buying the Vandy Treo and Audioquest cables from John Rutan at Audio Connection. Just a wonderful guy who loves his audio. He wants me to get the Music Hall DAC to keep the costs down as I also have to get a firewire and USB cable to do the rips from my macbook pro to my 1T portable HD. I need to figure out what format to rip etc... I like the whole system that I heard in his store. I wonder though if I should be looking at a better balanced DAC. I have heard the new NAD M51 and it has HDMI even (for my TV) and is 32 bit architecture. I"m still learning about digital but I want balanced as the Ayre just sounds SO much better having balanced inputs.
For AQcables, what are the best values in the lines? I will need speaker, balanced from DAC to amp and I think that's is since I will just rip all my CD;s to the portable HD via the firewire and then go USB to the DAC I end up with. I'll use my MIT interconnects etc... from the tv or cable box to the DAC I guess.

I was told to get at a min the DBS cables they make, but in all lines there are best value cables. ONLY if you've heard them, I'd like your feedback. I"ll listen to John of course, but curious to see if there is a diminishing return point for each type. Thanks to all for feedback. John will be selling everything I have as it's easier for him to make sure it's in it's best order and it's worth the money he'll charge me. I will sell the ProAc Super towers myself as they are too big for me to get down there and I'm still using them as they sound awesome as they have brand new drivers in them. They were upgraded teak if anyone has interest, lol. Thanks again to all.
Guys the Ayre will show up sometime next week he said. I'll hook them up and try them out to see if that does it for me, but the Vandy's just played music. Details and able to throw a nice and realistic sound stage and imaging was wonderful. John will bring them over when I buy them, but it's a 2.5 hour drive so I wouldn't be able to try them in my own space. Sucks, but that's reality for me I guess.

I think John can get me the NAD DAC since he does sell NAD, so that's a possiblity I guess. I have been offered that DAC locally for 1600 for a new one and that seemed great. In that price range what would you folks recommend? It has to be balanced.
Ctsooner , Sounds like you really liked what you heard at Audio Connection and want to go in that direction with your system. Nothing wrong with that.

You made the right choice in going to John R. at Audio Connection. I drove up there myself back in September ( 3.5 hrs) and stayed for a few days. I was so glad I made the trip up. I could of stayed up there for a couple of weeks just hanging out and listening to music with John. He is a good guy and really takes care of his customers.

The town of Verona was fun to hang out in also.

Enjoy your new Vandersteens when they arrive!
I have audioquest cv6 wires with dbs devices. They work well and I like them but not sure I hear any difference with dbs devices. Can't hurt though.