New to Home Theater

Sawaddi (Hello) Everyone,

I'm interested in branching out into the world of home theater but absolutely very infant in both knowledge and experience. To date, I have acquired the following components and they are:

Parasound JC-2
Parasound A21
Parasound T3
Paradigm - Studio 60's v5
Paradigm - Studio 20's v5
Pioneer Elite SC-27.
***Legacy equipments***
Velodyne 15 - F1200BX Sub (old 1997)
Pioneer PD-M77 (CD player)
Sony Blue Ray DVD player

I am planning to setup two rooms. My plan for Room #1 (HT and some music) is to use Pioneer Elite SC-27, PD-M77 or new Oppo BDP-80 , Sony Blu-Ray DVD player (not needed if buy BDP-80) with five (5) Studio 20's and the old Velodyne sub. For Room No. 2 (HT and 2-channel for pure music) I would use the remaining components: JC-2, A21, and Studio 60's for front L/R. I will need to acquire a surround processor, Blue-ray/cd/dvd player, a center channel, a subwoofer, and 2 rear surround L/R.

What is the best component to match what I already have acquired for Room No. 2 and still enjoy my music from the 2 channel. I would like to stay with the same price point of my current system. Lastly, I will need a lot of help in connecting all the new components to the existing one (HT connections) since I would like to stay as separate system.

Thank you so very much!
Well here's my 2 cents - based on setting up my own "cave".
I assume you're happy with the JC2, and the A21. I would build around that. You may want to allocate some of your budget to buy new/upgraded speakers for your "cave", and leave the Studio 60's in room 1. If you do that build around the new speaker choice. For amps, the A21 probably will driver anything, you'll need an amp for the rears and center. I have found I like all stereo amps rather than multi-channel. I'm using identical stereo amps all around, and the amp driving the center speaker only runs on one channel. I use a stereo amp on each of the front l/r speakers running vertical biamp - so I have 3 ammps sitting in the front, one in the rear. I have used 5 mono-blocks - one on each speaker in the past which was also great. And I uses a monoblock on the center speaker (ie instead of the stereo amp using on side) which is also fine - provided it matches well with your main L/R amp. You'll also need to select a subwoofer - that choice may depend on the L/R main speakers you choose.

After you select those, you can use what $ is left for a Pre/Pro, and run it in passthru on your JC-2 (does the JC-2 have a HT Passthru mode?). I'm using an old Lexicon MC-1 - doesn't have the latest video switching but sounds great. Depending on budget you can go more money and newer technology. For my money I like the older stuff fine.

p.s. - you can see my setup on my "system page"
Well, the first room is for my wife's sewing and reading room and the second is for my "man cave". My budget, I would say up to $10K. Thanks.
a couple of questions first . . . why do you want HT in both rooms? and what is your budget for room 2 HT capability?