New Vandersteen oil cooled hybrid amplifiers

Heard Vandersteen liquid cooled amplifiers over the weekend. Richard Vandersteen introduced them himself at NY Audio Show. The Amps have built in oil pumps that pump oil around a solid copper block that the transistors are bolted to. The oil is then recirculated across large external heatsinks that transfer heat out into the room. The transistors are said to stay within +- 2% of optimal operating temperature range. 6H30 tube driving solid state output. Interesting design if not overkill at the low power levels being achieved. Anyone else see or hear these amps? Thoughts or feedback appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by mapman

AM I the only one not enthralled with the idea of oil in my amps?

More efficient designs like Class D that produce less heat per watt consumed seems like the happier path.
My take is its a unique product targeting Vandersteen speaker owners seeking no holds barred ultimate performance from Vandersteen rather than mixing or matching.

It might well work great with other speakers as well, but it seems the group most likely to pounce are wealthy Vandersteen owners. Lots of competition in teh SOTA amp market otherwise.

Its a win/win for Vandersteen and their customers, assuming there are enough out there willing to shell out the $$$s.

Not to say other really good amps might not work as well or better, but those will not come from Vandersteen.