New Western Electric 91E 300B Tube Integrated Amp REVIEW !


Kevin Deal runs out of words when looking inside the amp. It's standard green circuit boards and ribbons. No big deal. All casework and meh. 

It is not a review from Uncle Kevin. It is a sales pitch just like any prima Luna video that he does. 

Yes, if it sounds anything like Prima Luna, it would be a major disappointment.  But, until I hear one, I will withhold judgment.  There is a lot of things being said by Western Electric that is suspicious.  They talk about the single ended 300b “sound” of the amp, but do not declare that it “is” a SET.  The circuit, which someone posted looks more like a shunt regulated pushpull variant than single ended.  There is a cap blocking dc current from flowing through the primary.  This accounts for why it can make do with puny transformers.  But in the end, it doesn’t matter what is the topology if does sound good.  On that front, I expect it to sound good because Western Electric, whose primary investment is in tube making, is staking a share of their reputation on this amp.

Wasn’t it JA that dismissed the first Cary 300b SE amp as “… a tone control. An unreliable one at that.” He did hook up his speakers (some sort of anniversary B&W monitor, silver something) eventually and was very impressed. He was quite confused about what he was hearing. 

For those who think specifications tell you all you need to know to determine whether an amp will sound good, amps like these willbe instantly rejected.  Who needs to trust their own lyin’ ears when there are stats to prove one amp is better than another?