new york city audio show 2018

it doesn't look they have enough exhibitors to run a show,  unless one of the nyc dealers gets involved.

how the mighty have fallen. we have plenty of new hotels(rooms)

I went.  I think the Park Lane is a horrible venue, tight rooms, tight hallways.  More "new" brands trying to establish themselves.  I personally was not that impressed by more than half the rooms.  And, prices seem to have skyrocketed!    One vendor wanted 15k for a piece of curved wood you put between your speakers for some sort of effect.  

The Vinnie Rossi room with Harbeth speakers was by far the best room and you could do the whole room for under 50k

ps: yes, we have to find a way to get younger folks involved, although they think their iphones sound good..........
Agreed. Hate that hotel (and we stayed there.)

@robyatt Robin Wyatt’s room was fun with some great music and demos using mono recordings on a Technics SL10 Mk2 and Quad ESL57s. The highlight for me by far. Chad Nessem from Acoustic Sounds also demoed his reissues.

The half-million dollar horns sounded horrible to my perceived embarrassment of those involved with the Martin Logan’s next door trouncing them for 5% of the outlay. Vinnie Rossi room was good too managing to tame the big Harbeth monitors bass with some excellent sounds.

Almost universally, the rooms demoing their gear with vinyl sounded better.

Also enjoyable was when Mat W from VPI dropped in to demo their HW40.

 I went 3 days

I missed Robert lighton audio .he is no longer a dealer for  uk audionote whose systems gets very ragged ,very fast.

I missed alta audio.

I liked the pure audio panels. only way to get anything out of old beatles vinyl.(+direct drive vpi, which is great)

technics :smooth and clean with digital and vinyl.

avm(magico?) dry and uninvolving

muro speakers: relative bargins

quads and harbeths; tired of them

laufer tek: nonsensical prices. triangle,bache,golden ear speakers were better.

bache: bargin server and amp 100%<10K

 linn went around the country to promote their new streamer box and yet neither linn nor naim bothered to subsidize innovative (or in living stereo ) for the show.

it's not the" cost of the room" or "the union" etc, etc, etc

also if the chinese thought the nyc chinese would drop zillions for that system....