Newbie Q about DACs - built in or separate?

Excuse the (dumb) question, but I am nubie when it comes to the nuances of owning a stand-alone DAC Vs using a component's integrated DAC.

I have a McIntosh MA8900 integrated amp with DA2 upgrade, a Naim Uniti Core CD ripper streamer, and a Luxman D 07X SACD player, along with Von Schweikert Endeavour speakers. All cables/interconnects are high end (probably more so than the listed components).

Q - How do I know if the MA8900 DA2's performance is just good or very good?

Q - Do I use the DAC within my Luxman SACD player?  I'm told it is quite good.

Q - Would a separate DAC provide noticeable improvement over the above?

Q - Does my current integrated amp, CD ripper/streamer, or SACD need upgrading?

As I am writing this, I think that I am beginning to understand why folks go with separate components with a single utility.  Is this the high-end audio rabbit hole?

Serious questions, really.  Thanks! 


Dallas TX


While the DA2 is apparently a big step up over the DA1 it’s hard to imagine you can’t do significantly better with a separate DAC especially as there are so many excellent options out there these days.  Certainly worth exploring.

The DAC in your Mac is not bad at all in my opinion.  My Dad's 8950 has the DA2 and it sounds pretty good.  

I would start by listening to your Luxmans analog outs and compare to the internal DAC.    Then possibly demo a DAC or two in your system if possible.    

DACs have evolved a lot.   My main system has a separate DAC but my second system's internal DAC sounds really good.    I actually sold my RME DAC because the internal DAC sounds so good.   It was redundant .    I think there are definitely some inherent advantages of built in DACs if they are implemented well.

Have to try it and see

@tshark "Go Stars!"

Excellent question and I encourage you to run some experiments to given your current gear does have some optionality.

If you are currently using your McIntosh's DAC for CDs try the Luxman and find out what differences you hear if any.

If you hear a difference, what do you prefer?  I think this is important - different gear can sound different and beauty is in the eye (or in this case ear) of the beholder.

There are pros and cons on using built in DACs within Integrated Receives, CD players and even Streaming/DACs.  I recommend the trying different configuration of your equipment so you may determine if an upgrade is worth the price.

@tshark McIntosh built in DAC is ok. I suspect the DAC in your luxman cdp is better. You have nice gear. Try running luxman into 8900 using nice XLR cables and evaluate luxman vs McIntosh dac.