nice turntable that plays 78s

Hi guys,

I'm looking for a turntable that plays 78s as well as 33s (45 is optional though I'd guess that most tables that play the first two would play 45). Don't want to spend more than about $500, used of course. Any recommendations? Also, will I have to change the cartridge/stylus setup when moving between 33s and 78s?

Many thanks.
Thorens TD-126 MKII is a wonderful table in that price range or lower.

Be sure you get a guarantee from the seller that the spped is steady in all three speeds.

You could look for a Technics SP-10MKII. But it would be hard to find one for your price. You could also look for the less expensive SP-15. You do need to change the cartridge for 78 rpm. Or you could get a Shure cartridge that would let you change the styli instead.