You are right my friend!
I am a bit disapointed that NO ONE look at the documentary about one of the MOST extraordinary DOCUMENTED event of the last century with ALL the redacted testimonies of thousand of people who lived through the events for many years...
Some narrow mind claim that miracles dont exist only Newton laws revised by Einstein and Planck...
The Bruno Groening event in Germany before and after the 2 wars falsify that opinion...
Like in the Sidis case reality here exceed any fiction...This Groening repeat Christ miracles, testified by doctors, filmed, photographed and curing crowds by thousands numbers and at distance... No novelist will dare to create a so less credible and unbelieveble story...
His end meet the fateful end of Christ...Humankind is immature and many technocrat are "monsters", and like predicted by Dostoievsky they will emprisonned and tortured the Christ himself if he dare to come anew... With Brunon Groening the Dostoievsky thought experiment in the "great inquisitor dialogue" was proven right to the letter... Verify the story by yourself...
I dont think that this miraculous man could be debunked by anyone... this is history... The reason why i post it is tho suggest to some that the universe will never be reduced to our narrow science conceptions and like just said the contrite string theorist Edward Witten perhaps the universe is not here to be only understood at our convenience...
i will make the link anew here, anyway this more than 3 hours documentary is moving and my christmast gift to all...
There is 3 parts this is the first one....
Listen to this you will not regret.....