Nietzsche and Runaway Audio Consumption

Came across this today. A lot of posts bring up the issue of "how much is enough?" or "when is audio consumption justified" etc.

Does this Nietzsche aphorism apply to audio buying? You be the judge! 

Friedrich Nietzsche“Danger in riches. — Only he who has spirit ought to have possessions: otherwise possessions are a public danger. For the possessor who does not know how to make use of the free time which his possessions could purchase him will always continue to strive after possessions: this striving will constitute his entertainment, his strategy in his war against boredom. 

Thus in the end the moderate possessions that would suffice the man of spirit are transformed into actual riches – riches which are in fact the glittering product of spiritual dependence and poverty. They only appear quite different from what their wretched origin would lead one to expect because they are able to mask themselves with art and culture: for they are, of course, able to purchase masks. By this means they arouse envy in the poorer and the uncultivated – who at bottom are envying culture and fail to recognize the masks as masks – and gradually prepare a social revolution: for gilded vulgarity and histrionic self-inflation in a supposed ‘enjoyment of culture’ instil into the latter the idea ‘it is only a matter of money’ – whereas, while it is to some extent a matter of money, it is much more a matter of spirit.” 

Nietzsche, Friedrich. 1996. Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits. Cambridge University Press. (p. 283-4, an aphorism no. 310)

I'm pretty sure @mahgister will want to read this one! (Because they speak so artfully about avoiding the diversion that consumption poses to the quest for true aesthetic and acoustic excellence.)




And sorry for scientists here miracles indeed exist....

Anyway even if most scientists dont know it yet, number theory is not " logical" or akin to human desire and taste, and number theory is itself a miracle not a simple tool created by apes like materialist will claim ... The miracles of mathematics and of prime numbes distribution meaning is described by the great mathematician Shinichi Mochizuki in the last 10 years, creating a worldwide controversy in mathematics that is not yet officially settled...

I like mathematics especially number theory, sorry....


The Bruno Groening story is really a deep parable about Health, medecine, corporations, and freedom...

In the actual crisis cheap medecines were trashed and FORBIDDEN by law..Killing drug inforced by law (remdesivir)

The freedom to care and the free relation between doctor and patient cancelled and subordinated to the state like under Stalin even in my supposedly free country Canada ...yes......In france people are on the street....

Now imagine a man who can heal instantaneously and without asking any money erasing any disease in a person or in a crowd ... For many doctors it will be humiliating and a big loss of money... He should be stop at all cost ... He was...

Now imagine this man today amidst a pandemy.... He would have been killed perhaps by corporations , not legally stopped like in 1950...

This Groening parable not only is a true moving story reminding us of the parable of the Christ return in Dostoievsky "the great inquisitor " but the most deep story to be told nowadays among the general fear mongering and blind politicians and monster corporations...

We live an interesting century in all fields:


in economy, in physics, in mathematics, in medecine, in technology in general, in politics i cannot list all fields, all fields are affected at the same time by a complete revolution... my own quest is : what is the relation between each revolution in each fields and the global revolution on earth ....


I want to live to see the next....And i hope to perceive the beginning of the answer to the riddle of man ascent or descent...


«All great men are refined sismograph whose variations indicated the tremors level in the world»-Anonymus smith

«But the greatest among them heal and pacify the world»-Anonymus smith


«Animals heal us already and trees could heal the planet»-Anonymus Smith


«Anyway i only trust robot, they dont eat, dont bark and ask for anything not even water»-Groucho Marx 🤓


The problem with Asimov robotic laws to insure that robot will put human life by programmation above their own security, it is that is impossible to implement them...We can create Goedel machine that will increase their own power at one condition: they will master their OWN continuously increasing universe by reducing the existing one to be only materials to satisfy their needs... In this universe man will be a useless piece of matter.... the earth will be only an artificial space ship for the A. I. No need of air or even water...This is mathematical, the Goedel machine is artificially expanding yes but closed in itself......An artificial intelligence by definition is artificial, unconnected save externally to anything outside it.... Man and any living system are internally connected...

In a specific sense man and dogs or elephants partake the same form of CONNECTED intelligence... A.I. is another form of "intelligence" more akin to an eternal cube of increasing ice...

Transhumanist cultist fearing death adore a god which is death himself...

«Who is more intelligent than the angel of death anyway...»-Anonymus smith

« Play chess with me»- Ingmar Bergman Death angel 

Now in the " seventh seal " one of the greatest film ever made, there is a word that struck me : "if the devil exist God must exist too"...

The greatest logician after Aristotle is certainly Goedel who designed for himself a new proof about the existence of God around the Anselm proof.. It is called Goedel ontological argument....

I will not go in the proof details, and the meaning of the axioms here, because it is astonishingly abstract, and not necessary to describe my take about it...One critic of the proof made a great observation ...

From wiki:

«Many philosophers have called the axioms into question. The first layer of criticism is simply that there are no arguments presented that give reasons why the axioms are true. A second layer is that these particular axioms lead to unwelcome conclusions. This line of thought was argued by Jordan Howard Sobel,[12] showing that if the axioms are accepted, they lead to a "modal collapse" where every statement that is true is necessarily true, i.e. the sets of necessary, of contingent, and of possible truths all coincide (provided there are accessible worlds at all).[note 6] According to Robert Koons,[9]: 9 Sobel suggested in a 2005 conference paper[citation needed] that Gödel might have welcomed modal collapse.[13] »



What struck me was the fact that Goedel would have welcome the "modal collapse"... What it is ? it is the fact that a proof of God, if it was a valid one logically will place all contingent, necessary, and possible truths on the same footing, they will all coincide or converge...

This remind me of the existence of the Goedel machine theory by one of the father of A.I. Jurgen Schmidhuber, his Goedel machine will live in a world were anything will be processed to be a convergent center of autodesign , where the contingent, the necessary and the possible will be FORCE to coincide like on a Procustean bed nourishing an infinite progess of automodification toward an indefinte intelligent perfection...

Then what is my point?

Simple the existence of A. I. and of the Goedel machine POINTED TO THE POSSIBLE existence of pure evil because where all living phenomena ask for maintaining the difference between the possible, the necessary and the contingent and for which , the possible, the contingent and the necessary must never be reduced to unity in a modal collapse...For evil it is the goal itself...

LOVE OPEN ALL POSSIBLE, DEATH which is not evil close them for a moment but EVIL WANT TO CLOSE ALL POSSIBLE FOR ETERNITY...

Then If A.I. exist and for me after study it exist, God must exist also...

Goedel never realized that the God he wanted to prove to exist was never the God of love the loving God, but pure evil , and a hive super-consciousness reducing all living possibles to his dead end iced will......


Now think about what Goethe said....

«There is no theory behind the phenomena, the phenomena are the theory» -Goethe

This means that man can contemplate the mysteries and educate his own mind to seize them as complementary interprenetrating MYSTERIES, but man MUST not and anyway will never be able to realize what only EVIL can do reducing all living phenomena to a dead theory external to them...

Goethe is a deeep well.... Even more wise than the super human Goedel intellect...

This is the difference between spirit and mere intellect....



«All your words are non sense, we cannot prove that love exist nor disprove it, save for  my lovely  wife »-Groucho Marx 🤓