Bigkidz, while a good idea it is really not that practical for several reasons.
The cost not just for the rooms but the need to move the furniture out of the rooms, so more rooms needed, rental of several u-halls, finding not only a hotel that would want to host a tiny event room wise but then maybe have 100 or so people show up and wait in the halls in order to get in a room, who would police it, and who would want to tear down their home system to be the one to donate their equipment.
What you describe about swapping equipment in and out is more typically an Audio RAVE. I have been to a few and also can found them a little difficult a times. Other times they can be enjoyable.
What you really should check out is a couple of the Audio Clubs in the area. I belong to the New Jersey Audiophile Society and can highly recommend it. I also be long to The Audiophile Society which is NYC based but if you do not mind going into the city it might also be to your
The clubs usually meet once a month sometimes at a members house (most of the year), sometimes at a dealer (about once a year), sometimes at a manufacture (about two to three times a year), and sometimes at a unique hosting. The unique ones are about once to twice a year. As an example last year we had a live demo by the curators of the Edison Museum were they recorded live musicians on three different mediums. An Edison Phonograph, a Reel to Reel Tape and a Digital Recorder and the played each back to hear the difference.
And next year we will have some other special events.
We welcome perspective members to come to a meeting or two to see if they find it to there liking before joining.
Here is the links
Good luck.