No love. Why?

It seems like everytime I mention I have Paradigm studio 20's v5 in my system someone is always trying to convince me to change them. Is there a problem with Paradigms I'm not aware of or Is this just the the friendly banter that exists.

Don't take this too serious just wondering.
Probably because they have heard them in a different set up than yours with a different source, different amp, different room, and most importantly different expectations. Wait 'til you have a chance to hear their POS. :-)

Just relax, ignore the comments, unless you have solicited them, and enjoy the music.
Some do it to be mean and some because they prefer a different sound. People have said terrible things about my speakers. Bottom line is your own ears. If you are happy try not to let other opinions bother you. It's important to develop thick skin with this hobby!
I suspect that it's because they aren't exciting visually and they fall into a price point where they're below the radar for many . I had a pair of the Monitor 7 se mkii and I thought they were very good speakers. Ultimately they left the stable because they lacked that certain something that speakers I've kept had- I just wasn't excited about them. I wouldn't be bummed if they were my only speakers either. There was no lack of love, they just didn't have any romance or special aura about them. Enjoy them!