No output on New LS26

I just hooked it up for the first time and have tried both outputs and CD and Proc Pass Thru and get no response from volume. Re hooked main amp back up to pre-pro and it works fine. Hooked up Grado headphone amp up to outputs and nothing. Hooked Grado up to Monitor and get bleed thru so a signal is present. Hooked grado up to record out and get full sound. The culprit appears to be the volume switch. Spent an hour on the phone with the dealer, we racked our brains. Life sometimes has a simple solution that you just don't see it. OH also tried reset procedure 4 times. SO any one have an idea before I box it back up. Hoping is just a tad of magic dust, mixed with sap of oak tree and a frog eye. Let me know what you think.
I would like to recommend that when you find the problem and it's all resolved don't let that taint your evaluation of the LS 26. It's a great preamp.
No I think I will get years out of the LS26 either this one or the replacement. I am McIntosh guy but in this price range this seems to be the best buy. I realize that
things break, if they didn't there would be no warranty at all. I think I have a bad volume circuit. I had thought tubes and that may be it but I don't have another pair till tomorrow to try. Since they are getting warm I really defuakt to volume circuit.
I have a ref one that had a similar problem. Turned out one of the jfets on that side broke off during transit. It had to go back to be fixed. Works great since.
I should add a little more info. The previous generations of ARC preamps (one of which I have) have a switch to select BAL or SE for any input. The new interface on the LS 26 maybe has a default value for that choice? If the default choice is BAL and you have your CD player hooked up to the SE inputs you would have the same effect as no source selected. Make sure you have the volume turned down to a "safe" level if you find such a setting and change it.