I am taking LS26 output 1 to amp in. The pre/pro is connected from 2 channel LR out to processor in on LS26.
That is the way I understand the instructions and that make the only logical way. I want the fron 22 channels of the pre/pro to PASS THru the LS26. When in proc mode on the LS26 there is no volumn. The voulume comes from MX135 so all 6 channels gain together.
Actually I really belive it is dead. Rick and I spent over an hour on the phone. He thought a rest would cause it to reset. I reset it again tonight. I have already hooked everything back up to the MX135 and will wait till monday when we can talk w/ARC but both Rick and I think it's a due a dirt nap. Hey thats why the come in boxes!
Thansk for all your help.
I am taking LS26 output 1 to amp in. The pre/pro is connected from 2 channel LR out to processor in on LS26.
That is the way I understand the instructions and that make the only logical way. I want the fron 22 channels of the pre/pro to PASS THru the LS26. When in proc mode on the LS26 there is no volumn. The voulume comes from MX135 so all 6 channels gain together.
Actually I really belive it is dead. Rick and I spent over an hour on the phone. He thought a rest would cause it to reset. I reset it again tonight. I have already hooked everything back up to the MX135 and will wait till monday when we can talk w/ARC but both Rick and I think it's a due a dirt nap. Hey thats why the come in boxes!
Thansk for all your help.