No sound for DVD, Blu-Ray, or Cox via digital.

Sony Blu-Ray BDP-S360
Lexicon DC-1 Digital Controller
2 Rotel RB-980BX powers amps (2x120 each)
Pair of Sony SS M3's (vertically biamped)

I use no effects, equalization, loundness, etc. The DC-1 is set to "Bypass." The Blu-Ray player is connected to the DC-1 via toslink. Unfortunately, I only get sound using this connection when playing a cd. If watching a DVD or Blu-Ray, I have to switch to rca's--same thing for my Cox Cable box. I contacted Lexicon Support, and they essentially shrugged. Is it worth taking the DC-1 to a repair shop to update something (is it the dac)? Am I instead better off waiting and replacing the unit down the road? Any guidance is much appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by kr4

The fact that it works for CD suggests that the DC-1 input is OK but that it may not be getting the signals it needs from the other sources. What does BYPASS do? The downloadable manual doesn't say.

As I said, the TOSlink input is working and should be able to handle DD, dts and regular PCM/stereo. Since it is not, I would suspect that the sources are not set up properly. If they have HDMI outputs, they probably default to sending the audio to HDMI and not to the digital coax/TOSlink outputs. Check the setups for the BR player audio and the cable box.
