No sound

Some weeks ago, out of nowhere i got a loud medium/low tone emanating from my system when I turned it on. I reported it here and it was suggested that the problem could be a faulty tube.  I finally obtained new tubes, installed them, and the tone went a way but so did the audio.  Any ideas about what’s going on?   It’s hart to find competent technicians that will come for home repair.


Well, I hooked up the Sys, and lo and behold, I got sound.  Of course it’s primitive compared to my CJ preamp but over all, not too bad.

Thanks to @jetter for the suggestion.


Happy to hear you are up and running.

It is rather amazing what a featherweight, tiny piece of kit can do. 

Size: 5" x 3.5" x 1.25”
Weight: 1 lb