nobody talks about BAT anymore?

Want to know any feedback on VK32 frm any owner but seemsno one is talking, reviewing their great product anymore?

What happen to the company?
Mags5000, I feel there is a sort of bullying at times on this website, I have seen it to many times, just pointing it out. People should be able to ask questions without being ridiculed. It's obvious it was nothing that was meant really's just the "I've got a keyboard so I can say what I wouldn't say to someone in person" attitude that drives me nuts!
Sean 34 I'm in complete agreement with you. There's entirely too much of that stuff going on at this site.
Folks come here to ask legitimate questions about audio issues, not to be entertained by wannabe comedians.
If folks want to be comedians, thay need to go down to the local comedy club on amateur night where they can see just how funny they aren't!
Sean 34 is correct, at least in context of this thread.

However, (there is always a however) some postings are not legitimate questions (praise of magic rocks and the like) and these deserve the ridicule they elicit. Ridicule is a gentle way of saying "you must be nuts".

Of course, to the general public, all audiophiles are nuts.
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I am in agreement on the postings that are completely ridiculous questions...when someone has a legitimate question, different story.