NuForce Power Conditioner

I would like to get an opinion on power conditioners for a pair of NuForce 9 SEV2. I am currently running an older Chang Lightspeed that feeds my entire system. The system sounds good but I wonder if maybe isolating the amps from the rest of the system would yield superior sound.

System: Esoteric SZ-1, MSB Power DAC, BAT VK 31SE, NuForce 9 SEV2 all JPS wires and Coincident EIII.

Thanks for any imput you can give me.
I use mine with an Audio Magic stealth on a dedicated circuit, I can recommend both.
Post removed 
Upon further review i highly recommend APS pp2000 power regenerator this was a real ear opener. I've retired the brick wall units, adding the 2000 was like taking a fine system to a new level.

Did you know if this is a similar device to the PS Audio unit?
I have a friend that is running the PS Audio with the Nuforce amps and initial reaction is very positive. Are you running the entire system off the APS pp2000?