Nuforce STA200

I am curious about the Nuforce STA200 amplifier  If anyone has experience with the amp it would be appreciated if you would share your listening impressions, both good and bad.  Some of the descriptions I have read classify it as a class AB amp and others a class D amp.  I am not technical savvy about these things, can a single amplifier be both? 
mrdecibel, I purchased a STA200 about a month ago when Audio Advisor received them back in inventory again.  As was discussed previously, the amps high gain resulted in me only being able to turn up the volume on my tube preamp about 1/3 of usual.  At someone's recommendation, I purchased the Schitt Sys passive for less than $60 including shipping and put it between my pre out and amp, and that did the trick perfectly.  I have had only tube amps for a long time, but I am enjoying the STA200 quite a lot.  At $499 I am quite happy.
jetter, I did try some 10db attenuators and did not like them. I also borrowed an inexpensive passive unit to go between my pre and amp. Did not like it either, with a 2'ndary volume control and an additional set of cables. Tried the cheap passive direct, and found it better in some ways to the preamp. So bit the bullet and am enjoying high end passive. I am glad, after a year, you bit the bullet, purchased, and are enjoying your STA200. Enjoy ! MrD. 
Has anyone switched out the PC on the STA200?  I have a Transparent Audio Premium PC coming tomorrow- curious to see what other folks are using.
I use that cord on my STA200 as well as Nuprime DAC-9 and CDT-8 and that combo sounds great   Salk SongTowers complete the system 
Did not do any comparisons, but sounded great with a Signal Cable PC. I'm sure a better PC will bring better performance.