Nuforce STA200

I am curious about the Nuforce STA200 amplifier  If anyone has experience with the amp it would be appreciated if you would share your listening impressions, both good and bad.  Some of the descriptions I have read classify it as a class AB amp and others a class D amp.  I am not technical savvy about these things, can a single amplifier be both? 
Thanks mrdecibel, I have seen them often, but I never knew that they were all basically the same device inside the cover, performing the same function. Live and learn.
OK, installed and running, just a couple hours on it...

WOW, for $500 this is incredibly good. Everything above that was said about this amp is true. 

I need time to really sit back an assess it, and I want to let it burn in a bit  before that. But initial impressions, great bass extension (much better than the Vincent SP-331 I tried, and better than my B&K reference 200.2 from my other system) unbelievably transparent, fantastic imaging. Deep sound stage.

Running with upgrade but generic 14 gauge PC currently.

:) :) :)
A few weeks from now you might be convinced there's nothing at $500 that can compare. It is an amazing value.
It is a great amp, and it found a home in my 3rd system running a pair of Wharfedales Emerald 97 mk IVs, but it was beat out by the Proceed BPA2 for this system. 
The amp originally retailed for $1200. I believe NuForce was discontinuing the amp (from what I was told). Nuforce manufacturing produced new batches to run out parts inventory at facility. However, the word got out and the amp has new life with more manufacturing runs. 

I'll be honest, if the sound of the amp with your speaker combination is what you like, you'll be find to find anything better even at $1200. Like I said earlier, I purchased the amp as a "go between" until more funds became available (my old amp blew). I decided to upgrade other components because I am so happy. After the NuForce, I purchased a Rogue tube RP-5, combo is amazing.