Nuforce V3 mod

Has anyone heard the Nuforce V3 mod done on their Reference V2SE? Please compare. Thanks

Showing 19 responses by gammajo

Ck thanks for your detailed post that included the other equipment used. Sounds very positive. I have heard that the manufacturer now feels the V3 demonstrates many of the positive qualities of expensive tube amps - would you agree? I am particularly happy to hear that there is reduction in grain and sibilance which I think were a bit present with the V2. Also sounds like the splendid bass control and overall ultraclarity are still intact
Thanks Mark
I guess I will get in the queque for the upgrade at $800 not much to lose. would any of you say that the V3 is more organic and less clinical than V2?
I imagine with the long erratic burn in that it is hard to keep a clear memory of what the V2 sounded like for comparison. It would be nice to AB in real time between the two. Fortunately they are easy to transport to a friends home to do this.
Well, I bit the bullet and lined up in the cache for the upgrade. Thank you all for input as I obsessed. BTW there is a Nuforce room over on Audio Circle that is also discussing the V3, including Chris Marten's initial thoughts. I have not found much on Asylum. Again the folks at Nuforce were super nice on the phone, prompt, clear, and helpful in communication. So Merry Christmas to me! And of course Merry Christmas to you'all as well.
I fell on ice the day after Christmas and broke my leg - surgery and now at home on bed rest for six weeks or more. Since I travel for my self-employed work it is a big income hit but I still think I can swing the V3 upgrade. Meanwhile as of yesterday I can crutch myself to the sound room and will have all day to listen. The first thing I put on was a Bach Organ CD that transported me away from the stress and into a place of beauty. Once again this hobby proves a priceless grace within my life.
Thanks Sherod. The main thing will be to stay positive. The V3 upgrade queue will be one thing among many to look forward to.
Mark, thanks for the 250 hour report. Sounds like a great move up for reasonable money.
Stltrains Thanks for the inspirational update. What tubes do you use in your AH? - I am running 1960's cca's. Do you also listen to digital source and like the Nuforce with it as well?
Thanks for the comment that the V3 works well with digital as well as vinyl. Good report at doctor yesterday in terms of healing but still a few weeks of bed rest to go.
CK Thanks for the well wishes. I am healing well but it is slower when you are 60. Have put in three weeks of bed rest so far - one more week and I can start limited weight bearing. My music is the high point of my day. Each afternoon I listen for a few hours and it really lifts my spirits. I'd agree about powercords and also using great care on vibration control. What powercords have people found to be the best? I am using Guerilla PC and might benefit from something more elegant. I ran all my equip through a PS Audio Quintet but find it better when I took the amps off and ran them directly to the wall, using the Quintet to protect the rest of the chain from any Nuforce power disturbance.
Reporting in. My number came up for the upgrade. I have silver units and wanted to change to black and was willing to pay the price of new covers. I also did not want to be without the amps because due to a broken leg, I am home bound and listening many hours each day to my system. Nuforce is immediately sending me already upgraded black units at the basic upgrade price. And I don't have to send mine in until the new ones arrive. What nice people at Nuforce to do this. Excited to hear the V3's by the end of the week.
Congratulations on the plunge. I too had my eye on another amp, the Pass XA100.5, but the difference in weight, heat and price (16K) and my level of satisfaction with the V2SE just made trying the V3 a no-brainer.
Did you just have the amps on for the ten days or did you have music playing through them over that time?
I received my V3 SE’s and have had only one day between business trips to play with them but wanted to share the joy of my first impressions. The context, for me is that the V2 Se’s were excellent in terms of bass control, detail, and clarity, much like a finely cut diamond in sound on excellent CD recordings. On less than stellar recordings for me there was a touch of treble brightness and edge. I was concerned that it may have been a result of my live room.
Right out of the box I can tell that the V3 is a significant level improvement. I immediately noticed that the sound stage seems at least 5 feet wider for the instruments, but more significantly it feels as if the hall ambience from the side of the stage is more present and realistic and feels like it extends another 10 feet. There is an obvious increase in musicality, realism, and balance. The treble is sweeter and tamer yet sparkles with life. This is the first switching amp that I would say is as pleasureful and musical as a fine Class A amp such as Pass Labs XA100.5. Many recordings that I would have said were a bit hard now sound beautiful. The V3 has an engaging sound and after about 5 hours of listening there is no fatigue. Listening in the kitchen, one room away from the system, it sounds more like live music playing in the other room. The new units are also more attractive than the V2. I know that there is more break-in time needed but I could not be happier. Great job, Nuforce.
Followup: with 100 plus hours on the V3's I continue to be very pleased. On all important sound dimensions these babies are excellent. I continue to be amazed at the sound stage width and ambience. I have not experienced the dramatic depth increase mentioned by some but there is definitely more air around instruments, clearer layering front to back, and more precise positioning.
Many old CD's (every Mobile Fidelity Moody Blue's) are now more pleasureful and filled with surprising sonic treats. Sound is exciting but civilized and natural.