Nuforce V3 mod

Has anyone heard the Nuforce V3 mod done on their Reference V2SE? Please compare. Thanks
I believe another thing that V3 has over V2 is more detail. Along with better imaging. The space between voice and instruments is present and gives those sounds better focus. Details and micro details are present which adds to very enjoyable music sessions. On very good vinyl recordings it amazes me just how wide and beyond my speakers the stage is with V3.
I believed V2 was very good but once you have V3 broken in you will most definitely hear why V3 takes a big step further into the music.
The 9V3SE does not sound lean or thin. In addition to more detail, the soundstage is much improved. It is far deeper and wider, extending beyond the edges of the speakers, both left and right.

Please be patient withe v3 burn in. It is frustating having to wait so long to get a new toy to sing properly, but the waiting is worth.

I am still amazed by the difference before and after. Now I wonder how the designers themselves tune the sound during the course of the design? Did they too have to wait 200 hours each time they made some change to the board???