NY Audio Show

I see its in a new venue this year, still no exhibitor list online though.  Wonder if they will require proof of vaccination.  Cheers
Reading this thread, I'm disgusted, but hardly surprised, to find anti-vaxxers & MAGA types spouting the usual hate babble.

You hate New York? You hate having to show proof of vaccination? Good. Don't come to New York. 

As for not getting sick & not dying if you do (because you refuse vaccination) ... good luck with that. Please pay for all medical care with a credit card or cashier's check. 
Unfortunately, this place has become a safe space for crisis actors and Karens. The mods even come across like Karens at times as well, leaving up some very nasty MAGA crap and deleting the rebuttals, but hey, this place is based in Texas.

That's not to disparage the good citizens of that state but the people who run it and the business model they prefer.

All the best,
Well desktop says if you dont like New York dont visit. Fair enough. Why not leave if you think the moderators are not even-handed. Certainly you are one of the greatest "haters" at least regarding Trumpers and the alt. right. But I guess hating is fine as long as you hate the appropriate crowd. You are not offended by this forum. In fact you relish the opportunity to state your beliefs. Why deny those who disagree the same indulgence?

Hate speech my a*s. These days it is all hate speech. Equal amounts from each side of center.
@audition__audio Nonoise is a defender of truth and tireless refuter of propaganda. I support his posts. 
As you should if you think he is correct in his beliefs. However supporting his demeaning attitude you do so at your peril and at the peril of this country. The peril arises not out of what he believes as much as how he presents these beliefs and the viciousness of his defense . He and those he hates arent willing to compromise and arent willing to discuss. Make no mistake, the extremes on both sides are not driven by logic or a desire for justice they are driven by nothing other than hate and emotion.