NY Audio Show

I see its in a new venue this year, still no exhibitor list online though.  Wonder if they will require proof of vaccination.  Cheers
@nonoise - why? You've been here a long time. Can you appreciate that this is supposed to be about audio and related, and not political/cultural warfare? FWIW, I didn't flag or report you. I am asking you and others to take the politics elsewhere. I'm not dealing with the red/blue or right/wrong or any side of it. My politics are my business. They don't belong on this board. 
But, and help me, I have old eyes, where are the limitations on topics of content in the TOU? I took a quick look, and aside from the DMCA notice provisions, saw none. (Which means that the TOU may not prohibit such discussions. Help?)
Hello @whart ,
I never said nor implied you had my post flagged and deleted and I don't see how you could think I did. How many times must I say I am responding to BS coming from elsewhere? Where do I see you addressing others here who are doing it? Please do it. You know who they are. 

I'd love to talk only about audio so cut out the BS and start calling out the real culprits lest one think you have no problem with them posting their inane commentary and actually agree with them, despite your entreaties to the contrary. They would also be in direct violation of the TOU and yet.....

But no worries. This happened not too long ago when the usual suspects got really ugly and a lot of members here had had it with them. Remember that? I took a week off from reading, let alone posting, and it was the best therapy ever. Who wants to engage with these nitwits?

Whatever happened to standards and the willingness to confront those who violate them?

Like I posted before, I bowed out for that week, I said this used to be a nice place to be but it's now gone to the dogs and when I get my next integrated (hopefully in a month), I'm outta here. I'll look in once in a great while and maybe post once in awhile but that's it. 

Don't forget what Edmund Burke is to have said.

All the best,
Since this topic went about 90% political, where are the moderators??? I've had posts removed for a heck of a lot less.
Are they enjoying this?
Participation in this thread is voluntary. Reading this thread is voluntary. Visiting this site is voluntary. That is freedom. YET, a couple here feel THEY can set the rules and decide others can't CHOOSE to participate in this thread?? This OP included the words "show" and "vaccination". One's imagination should give a hint what paths it may wonder down. This is what happens here sometimes. Do you complain to the table next to you at Starbucks if THEIR discussion veres off the topic of coffee??? 😄