NY Audio Show

I see its in a new venue this year, still no exhibitor list online though.  Wonder if they will require proof of vaccination.  Cheers
Since this topic went about 90% political, where are the moderators??? I’ve had posts removed for a heck of a lot less.

Political discussions are allowed (encouraged) to go on forever, as long as it is mostly loopy liberal blather. That is okay. The minute someone clearly exposes the ideological underpinnings of their noxious views (ie, Marxism) some snowflake gets triggered and they shut it down in a heartbeat.

To give but one example, we were treated to days of discussions about the sublime sophistication of rap music. Every time I posted actual rap lyrics (the top ones are totally profane) the posts came down so fast it makes your head spin. It is okay to say racist music is sophisticated, it is okay to promote that. But show what it actually is? Can't have that! Gone!

It is okay to say how everyone should have to show proof of vaccination, a totalitarian police state position if ever there was one, that is okay. Point out clearly the ideology driving this view, something that would actually help people to understand the true nature of and want to support liberty and individualism, this we cannot abide.

It is all extraordinarily hypocritical, but in no way surprising. Monomaniacal dictators from Stalin on down have all known the best way to control a population is to use fear to get them to do the surveillance and enforcement on each other.

Mission accomplished.
It is okay to say how everyone should have to show proof of vaccination, a totalitarian police state position if ever there was one, that is okay. Point out clearly the ideology driving this view, something that would actually help people to understand the true nature of and want to support liberty and individualism, this we cannot abide.
I understand it's to do with herd immunity and stopping the spread of a disease whereby mass vaccination is necessary. None of this would have been an issue if it hadn't been politicized in the first place.
I understand it's to do with herd immunity and stopping the spread of a disease whereby mass vaccination is necessary. None of this would have been an issue if it hadn't been politicized in the first place.

My friends family got covid and they were all vaccinated. 
1. Do your own research. 2. Consider all angles. 3. Use logic to come to final conclusion. 4. Make informed decision.