Observation: Passion vs Obsession

As I read through the AG threads each night culling useful tips (there are many) it occurred to me that there is a difference between passion and obsession in our hobby, or anything else for that matter.

I feel that the desire to improve can take one of two paths.

Passion = You love what you are doing. You enjoy the process and you love listening to the music. You are creating aural art. You are becoming the master of your sound, like an athlete you are honing your skills. You are integrated with the process and the process gives you joy.

Obsession = The joy is destroyed. You have sabotaged yourself by telling yourself "I have to get it". All you want are results, it serves an end.

To me the truth is that there is no end, only the journey. Enjoy the passion, your system and what it is offering you.

I am obsessed by books and music...

In audio it was a passionate journey to  create my sound universe not an obsession at all...

The difference is the obsession never end and never change....But passion change and sometimes decrease or  end when the goal is reached...I read no more audio review....

I have noticed how many in this group are obsessive and I think it can destroy what we set out to do and that is destroying our passion.  I think we all need to be millionaires or be satisfied with what we have.  I am thinking about upgrading my speakers, but do I need to when you are lucky to see two speakers in a room in your neighborhood.  Where do you stop?
I’m on the Passession side.

Millercarbon says "  I am the furthest thing from "consumers buying things". 

Except for a Raven integrated amp, Moneoone Supernova and Nova, Krissy's RF filters, Origin Live turntable, Townshend podiums and pods and other components.

I ain't saying you aren't an educated consumer nor buying stupidly. You are on top of the intelligent purchase hierarchy(and have educated me more than anyone).... but c'mon, you're a bloody consumer my funky friend. 

It's about intelligent consumers buying worthy things. 

I hope he will still talk to me!
The meaning of consumer being here clearly understood as buying for the sake of buying, the fact you admit I am educated and buying intelligently shows you know I am indeed the furthest thing from "consumers buying things". Anyone can lapse in judgment, we let it pass. Feeling generous since I have a Strain Gauge coming.😳
Obsession = The joy is destroyed. You have sabotaged yourself by telling yourself "I have to get it". All you want are results, it serves an end.

This conclusion is not corroborated with any evidence or analysis.  It is a thought bubble conceived amongst the feeling neurons of the OPs brain who were sitting around making a bet.