Odyssey Khartago vs. C. Johnson's 2250A??

Odyssey Khartago amp has received good reviews. At the same time, Conrad Johnson's 2250A though issued in 2002 still gets serious consideration from many audiophiles. Both are solid state amps and approx.120RMS.

Despite CJ's reputation, which amp might sound better with a pair of Acoustic Zen Adagios and a Bel Canto PRe3 line stage pre-amp.... By better I am referring to overall musicality, transparency and bass depth and control. I have read many of the reviews on the CJ 2250A, but am not convinced it will sound better than the Khartago which is a newer design. And I don'want to drop $1000 for the CJ, only to find that it is only average. Thanks, Jim
As an exercise in engineering the Khartago is lightyears ahead of the CJ. How that translates into your needs or how it "sounds" in your system is very subjective.
To Zenblaster, That is a good point! BUT how is the Khartago "light years ahead" of the CJ in engineering. I am not technical, but know there can't be that many basic amp design variations.

I currently am using a pair of Red Dragon mono blocks which are class D, and good. but not good in the bass and not the last word in resolution. Maybe, I am asking for the moon with the above mentioned amps, but I refuse to spend $6000 plus for any PASS LABS amps which are more hype than performance. Thanks for your reply. Jim
I have an upgraded Khartago, and while it is incredible for the price, my Pass X250.5 is way better.