Ohm Speakers Status Update

Signs of life from a great American loudspeaker brand!






I contacted Evan about the muted high end response and asked him about the adjustment hidden behind the connection terminals and he said it didnt exist. Since the pair I bought came from their refurb store, I may have an older model that does not offer the tweeter adjustment. That said I have a pre-processor that has parametric eq built in that can be adjusted manually and I have been playing with that to get the voicing right. I'm not there yet but its much better than they were as delivered. Due to these speakers having such a wide soundstage and sweet spot I will be keeping them. No way they go back after my trial period is over. I have to say they need very little help on the low end. Not quite extended enough for home theater or the extreme low end offered by pipe organs, but for most other music, its hard to find fault. I have been running the 2000s as the front pair in my temporary system until we can get moved back in the house and I find them wonderful in home theater duty, maybe the best I have ever had. Paired with a normal 2 way center channel speaker from JBL, dialogue is nice and clear and the rest of the soundtrack has this wonderful broad sweet spot that allows sitting way off axis and you miss nothing. Surely couldnt say that about the speakers I had before.

To be honest, I really don't want to name the brand because they have a strong following and lots of people that love their speakers...and just because they weren't my cup of tea...so what....they don't deserve me saying anything negative.

@livinon2wheels   does that mean that the newer ohm speakers do have the adjustment...but you have to open them up to get to it?


I hesitate to open them up lest I break something so I dont know for sure. All I have to go on at this point is Evan's statement that there was no way to adjust the tonal balance on my particular pair. I think I am going to contact him and ask what it would take to do the upgrade. Since i am a retired electronics tech hi might allow me under warranty to do the upgrade. We will see

Hi all!  My Ohm 2000s are NOT equipped with an adjustment for tweeter level. I confirmed that today by removing the speaker connecting panel and there was nothing behind it but wire going to the speaker in the top of the cabinet. THat said I sent an email to Evan about 3pm and before 5:30 he had responded to my comments about a lack of high end with the following words:


Hi Thomas,
Thanks for writing in with your listening notes. This is a problem that should be easily solved. I will get to work on a special set of drivers for you with extra treble. When we send them, it will be a simple install with a regular screwdriver. You can use our packaging to send back the stock drivers. Please check back next week on the status of your build. 
Good listening!
Ohm Acoustics
540 Barnum Ave, Building 2
Bridgeport CT 06608
I have to give Evan props for a really fast response and providing a solution that should solve my issues. That kind of customer service is almost non-existent anymore and I will most likely buy more from him as the finances allow. I could not be happier. Looking forward to testing the brighter tweeters and hearing what is missing.

That’s fantastic!   Glad to hear the good customer service continues in the post John Strohbeen era.