Older vs. newer REL subs

Looking for any reports about older vs. newer REL subs.

I have a REL 328 (ca. 2013) which I bought used. It's a good sub.


I would like to upgrade to stereo subs and I've found (finally) another REL 328 which would match mine. But, before I drop coin on that, I'm wondering if anyone has had experience comparing their older REL with a newer one. What's changed? What's better, worse, or the same? I'm considering the T7x and T9x lines.

Hoping for apples to apples comparisons, vis a vis driver size, type of sub (e.g. level of product line, sealed vs. ported, music vs. HT etc.) but whatever old vs. newer comparison you have much appreciated. 

I work for an REL dealer and we have been bombarded with propaganda from them explaining the new T/x model's design evolution. Nothing would lead me to conclude amg56 is correct about their being targeted at HT.  They make HT-centric models.  These are music focused as are all their subs (except the HTs, which aren’t bad for music btw), with light cones for speed, and their secret sauce crossover and speaker level input.  The amp is unchanged. The x has a slightly larger cabinet volume and optimized driver and passive radiator compared to the i version.  Not night and day...incrementally better.  Still a fine value and product.
@crustycoot  I don't think you mean to say "propaganda". That would imply the literature from REL is false and intentionally misleading. It's information about the products, perhaps with marketing-speak, but not propaganda. Does that make sense?
Hey Hilde45, i was in a very similar boat a few years ago. 

I was running a single REL328 sub...and after about a year or so decided to buy a matching 328..and luckily found one on the used market.   The additional sub was a real treat in many ways...and added flexibllity for in room setup, and allowed each sub to perform at even lower volume levels per sub, and with better in room performance.

The REL328 subs are great subs.

But...of course..i wanted better..and sold them off to fund a pair of REL S5 SHO subs. 

I agree some comments already listed here....as the newer subs  definitely "feel" faster and a bit tighter.

But overall, if I had to put a number to it...the REL328 stereo pair does 85% of what the newer S5 SHO subs do...in my experience.

Hope this helps.


@tj-sully It does! Thank you. I would not go for an S-series. More like the T series. 
Neither my original Q150e or the Q108MK2 have managed to "shake themselves apart" and are unlikely to do so since I check and tighten the screws once in a while...highly recommended. It’s more likely some cap will get funky or something, but these things are built to last...at least so far anyway. I can't imagine any newer sub being "faster" as that term is meaningless to me and seems more of a lazy audio catchphrase, especially with a sub.