OMG OMG OMG Harbeth M30.1 INCOMING!!!A Few Questions For Owners

A rare & timely opportunity has made me the owner of a pair of M30.1's in Tiger Ebony finish with 1 frigging hour use!!!
 I have Pangea 24" stands & with the tweeter at 12.5" up from the bottom of the cabinet that puts the tweeter at 36.5",within a half inch of center of my ears when in critical listening mode..Anyone see a problem using my stands?
 I have about 3' out from back wall & same from side walls which are treated for reflections..Speakers can be up to 8' apart with listening position about 10'away..Suggestions on setup?
 Regarding amplification since they haven't even started breaking in I'm going to run them with my 17wpc.EL84 amp & will start looking for something with at least 50wpc...What do you guys think of a Mcintosh MHA100 @ 50wpc. driving these?How about SimAudio Moon 240i @ 50wpc.or maybe a Hegel Rost at 75wpc.???
 Thanks much,take care..

Biasing required working a powered up,bottomless & upside down amp with 2 multimeter probes and a screwdriver.As bad as my hands shake that's not a good combination.My new amp has bias test points & adjustment pots right on the top,next to each power tube not to mention far superior bass depth & tightness...
Yeah. That's a drag. I had a 90 pound amp that required the same underside adjustment.
Almost 2.5 years & still LOVING my 30.1's..Early 2020 I had ordered my dream amp from Icon Audio & Covid-19 came along so I never even opened the amp & had to sell it..For well over a year I've been running them with a 15wpc.Chinese Class A amp based on the Sugden A21 circuit & they are STILL the best speakers I've ever owned...Finally getting back to normal financially now & just about have the $ for a new Sugden A21SE!
I get it :-).  I have a pair of M30.1's for about 4 years now.  Driven with a Pass INT-25 class a integrated.  Sometimes I think about "upgrading" to another apartment friendly speaker but really feel no "compulsion" to do so.  There really doesn't seem to be much else in the $5k range that would beat the M30.1's. 
 ^^^ Oh I would LOVE to hear them behind a Pass What I am constantly amazed at is the VERY low volume performance..EVERYONE says low impedance speakers don't sound good unless you turn up the volume but I listen at whisper quiet levels in the wee wee hours & everything is still there,tone,imaging,soundstaging..
 Am getting SOOO excited to get a real amp for them,about 6 weeks now but I'm torn between the Sugden & the Pathos Inpol ReMix Class A,decisions decisions...