On the fence about Vinyl need a good phono stage for A/B testing

Got myself Rega P6, but humm I am not so sure if I want to listen to Vinyl over lossless audio. I have SET tube amp and thinking if I have to get tube phono stage or a good SS will suffice. The speakers will be Legacy Aeris. 

I am thinking ti try out Project Tube Box DS2 but guessing if I should I go all out with Luxman EQ-500 or be rational and settle for Parasound JC3+.

The signal chain will be Rega P6 with Ortofon Bronze -> Phono Stage -> Legacy Wavelet processor -> Line Magnetic 508ia -> Legacy Aeris.

Any advice is helpful.


Showing 4 responses by jperry

Of the three you mention the Luxman is the best. You should always buy the best when possible.
You need to adjust the capacitance so the the total falls in the 150 - 300 pF range taking into account the capacitance of your cables as well. So if your cables have a capacitance of 100 pF you would select 150 pF on the Luxman for a total of 250 pF which is in the range of 150-300 pF. 

If you are new to this and you are buying something as expensive as the Luxman you should buy from a dealer and have the dealer help you. If you are in the Phoenix, AZ area I can recommend someone.

You can also run your Luxman or other phono preamp directly into your Line Magnetic integrated instead of through your DAC/preamp which is what I would recommend.
There is more adjustability in loading which will make an audible difference. Whether you hear it is a question I cannot answer. The Luxman CL-38Uc is a preamp with a phono preamp built in not a stand alone phono preamp.
 Both allow you to adjust loading impedance for moving coil cartridges. The Luxman Phono Preamp has a knob/wheel in the front. The Herron uses RCA plugs inserted in the rear of the unit.

The comments re: pF loading is applicable to MM cartridges only

From the Luxman website:
“Optimizing the cartridge load adjustment

The EQ-500 features a load capacity selection function from which 6 levels (0/50/100/150/200/300pF) can be selected according to the characteristics of the cartridge to be used. Com bined with the load impedance selection function (30k to 100k ohms continuously variable) the original potential of the cartridge can be fully exploited”