Once you go 300b it’s hard to go back?

It’s been a while since posting here and total change in my system. I’ve been on the lower power trip and been using a first watt sit2 for years and rotating preamps. I’m now using Omega 1.5 Alinco speakers.  I recently picked up a Line Magnetic 210, a 300b set integreted. I have been loving it. Barley pushing 1 watt according to the meter. Then I purchased some new tubes the Elrog 300b and EML rectifiers. Almost spending more on tubes than the amp it self. I have ignored responsibilities because it’s hard to step away from the music. Everything sounds wonderfully intoxicating.  The simplicity of the integrated, and the lovely glow of sound coming from the tubes. I knew tubes could sound great but really impressed with an integrated amp. 
It's not just 300B driven amps,it's TUBES!!!I just recently needed a new amp and was within a whisker of going MacIntosh SS because I couldn't find a tube amp that ticked all my needs,then I stumbled across a brand new to the market Quad AV-One and am basking in all tube glory again!
 I haven't tried a SET 300B amp yet but have had KT-88,EL-34,6G6 and now EL-84 driven amps and with the right speakers to my ears the EL-84's offer the best balance of bass control,extended treble and GLORIOUS midrange...Sand is for beaches,not stereo amps!
"Sand is for beaches, not stereo amps!"
You realize the retort is that tube amp owners just love tube distortion.😊
Two different worlds.
Call it what you want but how can anyone argue with the final result when a woman sits down and says the music sounds much more natural,then spends more free time actually listening instead of puttering around with music in the background?
Hi Freediver,
I agree with you. I was just for fun playing the role of the typical measurement/objectivist responder.
Call it what you want but how can anyone argue with the final result when a woman sits down and says the music sounds much more natural,then spends more free time actually listening instead of puttering around with music in the background?
I don't get any argument from my GF on the fact that the stereo is in the living room, how large the speakers are, their placement, or anything. The sound won her over.

No 300bs FWIW, but it **is** all triode, which is far more important than *which* triode.