One Amp To ‘Rule’ Them All....

Is there one amplifier that everyone can agree on as a contemporary standard? An amplifier that can be considered a standard in both the studio and in a home stereo setup?

What one amplifier does everything very well and can be found in homes and in professional audio engineering environments?

What amp covers all the bases and gives you a glimpse into all qualities of fine musical reproduction?

...something Yamaha? ...something McIntosh?


Why is this a silly question?

We have defined many standard measures in the world. Why is it silly to want to further define our ability to communicate about the qualities of audio reproduction?

If we can begin to agree on (not love, like, prefer, feel) certain pieces of gear that define/embody/reliably produce certain qualities of sound reproduction (both ‘good’ and ‘bad’) then we can all communicate more clearly about what we love/like/prefer and we can help those who build speakers, amps, etc further refine their craft and our listening enjoyment.

It would make many of our discussions less about ourselves and more about growing each other’s awareness and hopefully growing this industry.

We really need a heck of a lot more common frames of reference in audiophilia land!
And just because this industry has been ‘the wild west’ for so long doesn’t mean it has to continue this way.

Honest so much of it is agreed to voodoo and kept that way so very well off people can keep enjoying spending more and more money.

Let’s start getting some solid points of common reference so both the industry and its consumers can make more meaningful investments.

...and generally people who use the term ‘silly’ are usually ‘snooty’.
Is no one else alarmed that on the consumer side of things that there really are no standards?
There are standards, actually. Many of them. I see no cause for concern, and certainly no cause for alarm.
@cleeds yes I know we have some very exacting measures when it comes to the functional testing of gear. 

But do we know what causes our perceptions of certain gear? Have we defined enough our language about those perceptions? What you call ‘tonality’ I may call ‘tuneful’ or ‘natural’.  What does ‘musical’ mean when we hear it in an amp and is that the same as ‘swing’ and what about that amp causes this perception? Is ‘holographic’ sound the same as ‘an excellent 3-dimensional sound stage’? What causes the perception of height or image scale with a given amplifier? What causes ‘inner detail’ or ‘good sense of tempo’ or ‘good rhythm’ in an amp?

Do we know why there are supposed synergies between certain audio components? Can we begin to make better predictions when it comes to gear choices?

We need more commonly decided upon points of reference that is for sure.
“We don’t see things as they are. We see them as we are” Anais Nin

Eveyone has a different standard, taste, inclination based upon many, many factors. Some audiophiles here mostly believe in measurements, others trust their ears and many people have their own ideas about what sounds good. I like to say that they like their own coloration of the sound.

Without delving into deep psychology, we are products of our culture, our parents, our indidual and collective biases, our values, norms and so on. How could we agree on the “One amp to “rule” them all. And why would we want that anyway. I have two amps, one solid state and one tube. Different sounds that I both really like... I also like many flavors of ice cream and one does not rule them all.

There is not a reference amp. Even if there was one, tomorrow someone would make a better one?

That is why I call it a silly question.