It’s not that hard to pay cash for cars. One must be disciplined, and then typically buy at least 2-3 year old model. Some will even buy a more expensive import that way out of an effort to get superior longevity, i.e. Mercedes that could do 200 to 300K miles. millercarbon exhibits some characteristics of net worth millionaires. Denying extravagance and extreme fiscal personal policy is typical of them. Most do not have the knowledge or self discipline to prioritize that way. :)
Of course, such matters should be looked at holistically. It seems to be the smart thing to do paying cash for a car. Not necessarily the best option, however. One may get ahead by buying a new car at 0% loan APR, then investing the amount of the car over the period of the loan. Now the power of compound interest is working for you, not the automobile manufacturer. So, anotherbob is correct that some loans are actually advantageous; some marginally so, and others - when good fiscal discipline is employed - more so.
Of course, avoidance of buying any car is ideal, and one has to weigh the necessity of it. The person who buys used and drives it for 15+ years will do better than someone who flips cars and keeps making a payment, and very likely better than someone who buys new at 0% and invests. It would be pretty easy to run the simulations, and that is what a net worth millionaire would do. That’s how they get to become wealthy. They do not just guess or care less. :)
Of course, such matters should be looked at holistically. It seems to be the smart thing to do paying cash for a car. Not necessarily the best option, however. One may get ahead by buying a new car at 0% loan APR, then investing the amount of the car over the period of the loan. Now the power of compound interest is working for you, not the automobile manufacturer. So, anotherbob is correct that some loans are actually advantageous; some marginally so, and others - when good fiscal discipline is employed - more so.
Of course, avoidance of buying any car is ideal, and one has to weigh the necessity of it. The person who buys used and drives it for 15+ years will do better than someone who flips cars and keeps making a payment, and very likely better than someone who buys new at 0% and invests. It would be pretty easy to run the simulations, and that is what a net worth millionaire would do. That’s how they get to become wealthy. They do not just guess or care less. :)