Onkyo 805 receiver no sound - any clues?

I was going to fire up the surround sound on my receiver but when I started to adjust the volume I got nothing. I tested other sources (CD, headphones)...nothing. Its like all the amps are shut down. Any clues out there on what the problem could be?

Also if I have to get another avr any recommendations? It is used for TV and movies mostly in a 5.1 configuration. I have a dedicated two channel set up. Thanks.
Tgrisham, thanks for the note. I have been in the troubleshooting mode for the last couple of days had have come to the conclusion that it may be a power supply or something similar.

Now the question is do I want to dump money into repairs or start fresh with a new receiver. I don't know how much a power supply would cost to fix but if it starts to get around $200 to $300 then I'm not sure that's the path I should take.
Then it is not worth fixing. Any new receiver will offer the same functionality as the 805 and cost approx $700 and have a new warranty. I still believe in Onkyo products. Good luck.
I just had this happen to my Onkyo 809. The audio just went dead on the receiver. I was told it was the audio processor board, it had to be replaced. I had purchased an extended warranty from Best Buy where I purchased this, so not sure what this would cost to get repaired. I would guess around $200.00. Good luck whatever you decide do.
I went ahead and spent a few bucks to troubleshoot the problem with receiver. Turns out the audio / video board is bad. The repair was north of $300 so I am now going to buy a new AVR.

My current candiate is the Denon AVR-X2000 which I can get for $650 including a headphone bundle. I could probably sell the headphones for about $200. Any other AVR thoughts?
For only $50 more you could get an Onkyo 818 which has the TOTL Audyssey room correction, which has much more resolution and also integrates a subwoofer better than ever. Might be worth a look, people are really impressed with it.

The Denon is also a fine model, just be aware that ANY receiver you get these days will not have the amp section equal to the old 805.