Only three manufacturers?

Playboy March issue states that speakers should reproduce the frequency, timing, and amplitude of the original sound. They state that most speakers get frequency and amplitude correct but only 3 manufacturers get the time coherence right: Vandersteen audio, Thiel, and Meadowlark audio.
What do you think about this comment and if its true are there any more manufacturers that get all 3 parameters.
The older Dahlquist speakers of the 70's were an early attempt at time alignment only. They are not and never were phase correct. Even Vandersteen's earliest Model 2's in the 70's were not time and phase correct. Vandersteen, a few years later, introduced phase and time correct speakers of a sort.
I truly believe that current manufacturers today use their argument against time and phase speakers because it would drastically raise the price of their product and hurt their bottom line. I also think it would be too expensive to R&D this design for market. Also, Vandersteen holds patents on his specially designed drivers. It takes years to refine designs.
Playboy should stick with what it knows best; big pairs of bass traps ;-)

We audiophiles are a special breed, we don't like the "naked" truth about speakers!!
Go figure
Geez - a non-audiophile magazine not only talks about speaker brands other than Bose or Polk Audio, but actually refers to "audiophile" speaker brands, and all you guys can do is rag on them.

No wonder people think audiophiles are weird.
Not really sure why Playboy is engendering so much animosity here.

Personally, I'm glad they are sticking their nose into speakers. Hopefully, they will reciprocate in kind and let me go noodling around in their business. I got more than a few ideas on having some of their buxom beauties respledent in all of their glory in front of me.