Opinion on Audio Research DSi200 integrated amp

Is anyone familiar with an AR DSi200? Would you recommend it as the primary engine in a new home audio system? if I paid $2300, do you think it has the sound quality of other components for the same price? Thank you.

Hopefully this sheds some light. I have owned an Audio Research solid state preamp for many years. I would go for it if you like the review. I have all ARC gear.
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you got a very good unit at an excellent price, kudos to you on that

the dsi 200 is a very good (but short of great) powerful integrated amplifier sonically, and the build quality is outstanding

very hard to beat at that price, used or new

only units i can think of that could credibly compete is a used hegel h160 ($2000) or h360 ($2800) that would sound a little better, if the build quality is quite good but a touch below arc