Opinion on McIntosh MCD 201 SACD player

Anyone has experience with this new player ? How does measure up to other SACD players around similar price level ?
I have the MCD/MDA1000, and have done comparisons between these players (MCD201, MVP861). I can say for certain that neither of the 201 or 861 is anywhere near the performance of the MCD/MDA1000 combo. The MCD/MDA1000 are unique and special and it will take best players to beat them.

Having said this I think the MCD201 is a great player for its price. The SACD section a lot less digital sounding than many SACD players on the market costing a lot more.
Yes, it does have a few software upgrades, but McIntosh does not have a reputation of leaving their customers out in the cold.

At least McIntosh addresses some of the issues which are shared by other SACD players, while other companies do not even bother coming out with any upgrades whatsoever.

Try loading an SACD disc on a Sony SACD1, and you can have a coffee and come back, and the thing would still be loading. Or, the pauses between tracks. McIntosh fixes these issues.
Well I finally got another unit manufactured in July. Almost a 7 week wait. Still the same transport noise .
This unit still has a loud spin noise playing SACD (nature of the beast?)but better when playing regular cd. For this price it should be almost silent, in my opinion. The player does reproduce great sound though. I'll probably keep it just because I have the other McIntosh componets. Also, the SACD does sound better than the cd, but it is overrated for the extra cost.
One would think that Mac would have dealt with all the problems in the MCD201. Perhaps a recall to install autoformers would fix the problem. The buyers agita could be understood in a $50 Tosh, not an expensive unit using buyers as beta testers.
Porziob, funny how you would repost the exact same comment which Ron-C has already answer you over at the AudioKarma forums. Since you are so inclined to repeat your question, I shall repost Ron-C's answer for you once again:

Ron-C...."Porziob, I see you have migrated over from the Asylum. You always have negative comments about McIntosh so we all should expect the same here.
As far as the McIntosh output autoformer it is the best technical solution to make a transistor amp flexible, deliver the lowest possible distortion with the highest signal to noise ratio, run cool and have a long life. The drawbacks are of course size and cost. If you are buying a premium amp why shouldn't you get all the power you pay for regardless of which speaker you chose?

You can of course research this on the AK threads so you don't look so 'clueless' with your silly comments.

The list of speaker manufacturers, and reviewers who have purchased and use autoformer coupled McIntosh amps continues to grow. Since these folks use every type of amp I wonder why they continue to prefer McIntosh?"

There you have it.