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Opinions Creek Classic 5350SE vs. Rotel RX-1052
I have a bad case of upgradophilia and have been advised to treat with moderation. It all started when I added a Hydra to the system. I currently have a pair of Dynaudio 52SE speakers, a Rotel RX-1052 reciever and RCD 1072 CD player. I also use a VPI HW19Jr. TT with a Dynavector 10X5 cartridge. I was very happy until I added the Hydra and Shunyata power cords. Now my little speakes sound 10feet tall, deep tight base, tremendous detail and greatly expanded depth of soundstage. I want more. I don't have a lot of money but some. I am considering replacing the Rotel, a very fine reciever with a new Creek Classic 5350SE. Any thoughts? Also do you think that this amp would support a pair of Special 25's down the road. And perhaps more importantly, is there a 12 step program for this affliction. Thanks, Dav
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