Opinions of GoldenEar Triton 1

I'm moving to a larger house and want some new speakers.  In spite of the cheesy name the GoldenEar Triton 1 looks like an interesting candidate. It's been a long time since I listened to a ribbon tweeter but I remember liking them.  Will some of you who have experience with these speakers please comment on what you did and did not like about them?  Also, what other choices in that price range stand out as being a "bargain"?  
Thanks for your comments.

Since opinions were asked for...

I've heard a couple GE Triton speakers but only at shows.

I'm not a fan of ribbon tweeters and the demos didn't convince me otherwise.

What I did hear, though, was quite a "lot of sound" for a lower price than many other manufacturers are asking.  Faint praise, it seems.  But I found them competent sounding, big, fairly spacious, without obvious defects.   But I found them tonally boring in a way that I could never live with personally.   But that's really subjective and I wouldn't propose my impression as a guide to anyone else, of course.
Continuing to list all of the products you sell is very helpful to all of us.  Thank you.
Sure Rbach would you want the entire list? It is rather lengthy.

Perhaps you can find someone else to bother, we don't think you have that many people who find your comments relevant.

As a dealer we can freely post, and as mentioned we are supposed to list that we are dealers..

As a dealer we can freely post, and as mentioned we are supposed to list that we are dealers.
But, you do it with an eye for making a sale. Or, at least, that is how it comes across...
gdnrbob, sure and why not, we have a ton of experience with many of the high end brands that you guys see in the magazines.

And for the record we don’t get all that many people who purchase from us, even after taking our advice.

So why is this an issue, all dealers are always trying to make sales, in that we we stay in business.

Many people here decry there are no brick and mortar dealers left yet they purchase directly from the company or Amazon instead of realizing that a B&M dealer will be greatly appreciative of their sale.

As per the Golden Ear the new Triton 1R are fantastic. Gndrbob, you are in the area, why you should stop by and hear a set for your self.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ